SGS Corporation is an IOG subsidary.
SGS Corporation is a major private firm specialising in military, pharmaceutical and financial industries. A wide range of products and services are offered by SGS; from top-of-the line performance-enhancing drugs used by special forces in a wide range of operations, to global defensive systems that have accelerated the aerospace and security innovation to speeds never once imagined. Various exotic financial instruments have been developed by SGS Corp., that have been banned by all public financial exchanges - only speaking to their innovativeness and potential for disruption.
Close ties with the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Mossad, the MSS, and many other key players in the political landscape, allow IOG to manoeuver and close deals at speeds rivalling extreme sports and volumes comparable with entire economies.
SGS Corp, and by extension IOG, is the first corporate entity to be "post-money." If the highly confidential financials were to be graphed - they would be akin to a perfect sine wave. Net worth volatility is a positive cofactor to higher total volume - burning cash equivalent to an entire country's GDP in mere hours in the financial department allows SGS to exponentially expand - and to remind the global financal institutions of their transitory existence. Yet even with its extreme fluctuations, this key global player is estimated to be valued in the trillions, but is not listed on any public exchange, and has just 5,000 employees worldwide.